Monday, October 27, 2014

Random anime girl

I traced this in Adobe illustrator and that was my first time ever using that program because I'm only use to using photoshop and flash; the program is very frustrating in my opinion. anyway, the subject I used for the assignment in digital art class was a random anime girl I found in my manga encyclopedia drawing book and I will have to say that it came out better than I expected. Once I get use to Adobe illustrator, I may buy the program to use next semester.

Dr. Jordan is Fresh

This is a pop art I did of the tcc president named Dr. Jordan. I decided to turn his skin blue and give him clothes with funky colors. personally, I can see this on a t-shirt or a comic book maybe. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Attack of the dollar bill bugs

this was an assignment for my digital art class where I had to make a surreal picture where I thought about making dollar bill bugs attacking me. at first, I didn't bother adding more to this picture except the dollar bill bugs themselves until my professor told me to add more to it and that was when I added the craters, more dollar bills and the devil's hand holding the $100 bug. as you can see, my hand was intentionally in the picture showing that I was terrified of those things as if I'm saying "nooooooooo! I promised I'll never spend money on porn again! please don't hurt me!" the moral of this picture is: money really is a root to all evil.