Wednesday, November 19, 2014

in the middle of nowhere

This was made in photoshop where I'm kneeling on some shallow water begging for reasons on why I'm all alone.

no more violence against women

This is apart of this contemporary project I was working on. the topic I told was violence against women and the words describes the type of people are in the picture. the blue is the male, the red is the female, and the green is another male stopping the blue male from hitting the red female.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Mario World pipe

here's one last one where the word descibes the object. in this case, it's a pipe with a piranha plant jumpin' out of it and the piranha plant is suppose to be the point of an "I" while the pipe is the "I" itself. The only principle I could think of for this picture is "emphasis" because the first thing anyone would see is the piranha plant jumping out  of the pipe as opposed to the spelling itself. the element for the picture is the movement of the piranha plant because it is obvious that the speed lines are showing that he's popping out of the pipe.

CRACK! onomatopoeia

here's my onomatopoeia of the sound of a glass window cracking.
here's another one in black and white.

the XYZ Club

I tried to make this into a literature but it came out as a logo for a sophisticated 80s wine club where the "Y" looks like a cocktail glass and the "U" looks like a wine glass. both letters contains red wine in them and as said before, the logo looks like a a sophisticated 80s club.

"poop-boob" and "wow, mom"

another word design practice where I had "poop" become "boob" when reflected and "wow" become "mom" when reflected.

Name Gradation

This is just a practice of letter gradation using my name. nothing special or spectacular.

Monday, November 10, 2014

My Car (drawn and colored)

Out of boredom, I decided to draw my own car using the pen tool the majority of the time in photoshop. It's the same color and everything but the original car color I traced was silver. so I changed the color of it to the real color of my car.